New MULTIVAC Pouch Loader and Pouch Rack


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Aug 05, 2023

New MULTIVAC Pouch Loader and Pouch Rack

Credit: MULTIVAC The new MULTIVAC Pouch Loader (MPL) for chamber belt machines


The new MULTIVAC Pouch Loader (MPL) for chamber belt machines has created a semi-automatic solution that significantly improves the processes of filling of film pouches and loading into packaging machines, enhancing overall performance, efficiency, hygiene, and ergonomics. Up to 40 percent reduction in personnel costs and a significant increase in efficiency can be achieved with the new solution when compared to manual loading, with maximum flexibility in terms of products and pack formats.

When packing products on chamber belt machines, filling film pouches and loading machines have often been a bottleneck in the process. Thanks to the development of MPL, which has been designed to meet the needs of all customers, MULTIVAC has set a new benchmark for the automated packing of products in film pouches.

Operating MPL is simple: one operator positions the products on the infeed conveyor of the machine, and two other people load the products by pulling film pouches over the loading conveyor so that the product can be conveyed automatically from the conveyor into the film pouch. The, the film pouch is turned 90 degrees before it is placed on the machine conveyor to be vacuum packed and sealed.

The typical manual procedure requires at least five people, while only three operators are necessary with the MPL semi-automatic solution. Although personnel costs can be reduced by up to 40 percent, the cycle output can still be fully utilized.

Another benefit is to hygiene and ergonomics. When filling the film pouches, operators no longer need to lift products and place them in pouches. Less contact with the product means less risk of contamination.

Thanks to its compact design, the MULTIVAC Pouch Loader can be individually configured and easily integrated into line solutions from MULTIVAC, with either the B 425, B 525, or B 625 chamber belt machines. This allows MULTIVAC to offer its customers a complete solution from one source. The dismantling of the various components can also be performed quickly and without tools.

MPL can be combined with the compact MULTIVAC Pouch Rack (MPR), which can take up to ten different stacks of various pouch sizes. Thanks to special pouch opening aids, the individual film pouches can be easily separated from the stack and removed from the rack.

Finally, the pouch solution boasts a high level of flexibility in its pouch sizes, as it can accommodate pouch lengths ranging from 200–800 millimeters (mm), and pouch widths between 150 and 600 mm.