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May 04, 2023

"She Is Angry I Let Her Turn It On In Front Of Her Husband": Woman Gets Thrown Out Of Friend's Home Over "Offensive" Gift

Receiving a gift from a friend is always heartwarming. Even if you already have

Receiving a gift from a friend is always heartwarming. Even if you already have that sweater, you’re not a huge fan of that particular scent or you plan to hide the vase in a cupboard until the next time your friend visits, it's the thought that counts. Right?

Well, after one woman gave a friend a gift that she hoped would alleviate some of her back pain, she was shocked to hear that their friendship would be coming to an end. Below, you’ll find the full story that was shared on the "Am I the [Jerk]?" subreddit, as well as some of the responses invested readers left.

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Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)

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Image credits: (not the actual photo)

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Image credits: [deleted]

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Image credits: LightFieldStudios (not the actual photo)

If you’ve never used an electric blanket of your own, you have no idea what you’re missing, pandas. My parents were big fans of these brilliant devices, so we always pulled them out of the closet come winter time (despite the fact that we lived in an incredibly hot climate). They’re warm, cozy and can even help alleviate chronic pains, so what's not to love? According to Hygiene Supplies Direct, "When you apply heat to an injury or to the source of arthritis or sciatica pain, the heat receptors in your body actually block out the pain signals being sent to your brain, meaning any pain you might feel quickly melts away. In addition, it increases circulation around your body, helping you stay more flexible." Electric blankets can be the much needed relief many individuals are searching for, when it comes to chronic pain.

In fact, snuggling into an electric blanket has even been scientifically proven to boost our moods in the same way that hot baths and warm cups of hot chocolate do. "When you have a heated blanket keeping you warm, your body doesn't need to use as much energy to stay at the right temperature, so it sends contented signals to your brain, making you feel happier and more relaxed," Hygiene Supplies Direct explains. And if you have a hard time falling asleep at night, a warm, cozy electric blanket can help tell your body that it's time to take a rest.

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Image credits: Kindel Media (not the actual photo)

An electric blanket might even be the solution you’ve been searching for if you often get cramps after strenuous exercise. "Heat is a natural muscle relaxant because heated materials like throws and blankets warm the body, which in turn helps to widen a person's blood vessels," Warmee explains on their site. "This creates more blood flow in specific areas and helps to transport lactic acid away from areas that are in pain." So after you’ve done an intense workout, don't forget to stretch, use that foam roller and whip out your handy dandy heated blanket!

In this particular story on Reddit, the husband had an issue with the blanket because he assumed it was a vibrator. While I’m sure there are people out there who have gotten creative with various vibrating devices, that's clearly not the intended use of this blanket. Many people enjoy massage chairs and massage guns for purely family-friendly reasons, and there's no need to jump to conclusions about simple things like blankets. Unfortunately, however, some men do feel threatened by the idea of their partners using anything other than themselves to experience pleasure.

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Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)

But the reality is that about half of all women in the United States have used a vibrator or a dildo in their lifetimes, and many women would rather use these toys with their partners than use them on their own. But things to seem to be moving in the right direction. Despite the stigma sex toys sometimes have associated with them, one study found that less than a third of men today view vibrators as a threat to their relationships or intimidating. In fact, they can help bring couples together. "For us, using sex toys during sex is about pleasure and connection," one 24-year-old woman told Hello Giggles. "I want to please my partner, he wants to please me, and we want to feel deeply connected to [one another]."

It's unfortunate that this woman's friendship seems to have come to an end over something so silly as an electric blanket, but it appears that the couple may need to have a discussion about what they consider appropriate and ensure that they’re on the same page. We would love to hear your thoughts on this story in the comments below, pandas. Do you think this friend did anything wrong by gifting a heated blanket, or would you have been offended by the fact that it vibrates as well? Feel free to share, and then if you’re interested in reading another Bored Panda article discussing relationship drama, look no further than right here.

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Adelaide Ross is a writer at Bored Panda. She is originally from Texas and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting from Oklahoma City University. In the years since her graduation, she has lived in Los Angeles, Sweden, England and now Lithuania. In her free time, Adelaide enjoys traveling, experimenting with new vegan recipes, taking long walks in parks (wearing plenty of SPF!) and crafting the perfect glass of cold brew.

Gabija is a photo editor at Bored Panda. Before joining the team, she achieved a Professional Bachelor degree in Photography and has been working as a freelance photographer since. She also has a special place in her heart for film photography, movies and nature.

So ladies, anything that vibrates causes you intense pleasure? I bet you like sitting on the bus seats above the engine......

Of course we do! And if you are gifting us a basket of fruit and vegetables, be sure to fill it with only bananas, cucumbers, zucchinis, carrots... But give it to us when our partners can't be present, otherwise he would feel threatened /s

I sit on my washing machine too on the spin cycle just for the extra boost it gives me 😂

Bonus in the winter: the seat is also heated. Too bad that lady is stuck with that husbind. Not only she lost a friend and the blanket, but also her life...

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Maybe they can both use the blanket and have a threesome. Seriously, I've known of similar idiots. Many decades ago, before DVDs, my mother gave a friend a record of narrated relaxation exercises. It really helped the friend, but not for long: the husband broke the record because it used a male voice.

When she shared they were Egyptian I understood. A lot of those middle eastern / northern African countries are very naive to sex and just western culture in general. They think we sexualize everything and we’re just a bunch of nymphos walking around. I’m married to a Moroccan man and was astounded to find out how little he really knew about Americans. I blame hollywood for making us look that way, but they are mostly wrong about how we really are. They assume we’re all rich and just wild. I had to educate him and still do sometimes. Likely they aren't that experienced with American/western culture and are still grasping the idea that just because it vibrates doesn't equate to sex. Muslim husbands, especially Egyptians, are also often times very controlling of their wives and see them as property so his reaction is sad, but not surprising.

Yeah I was gonna say. This does sound controlling, but also due to her friend's shock as well, it sounds heavily cultural. I think she would've done well to apologize sincerely and explain exactly what the gift does. Humility goes a long way! And if the end goal was to truly help that friend, and not just to get brownie points for being nice, I think she would've gone that far. But it does sick to receive hate when you're being caring

Egyptian here. This has nothing to do with our culture. This dude is just an a*s. I feel sorry for his wife.

Ah thank you I was so hoping someone who truly knows would answer!

I’m glad you’re not that way, but that has not been my experience thus far.

So ladies, anything that vibrates causes you intense pleasure? I bet you like sitting on the bus seats above the engine......

Of course we do! And if you are gifting us a basket of fruit and vegetables, be sure to fill it with only bananas, cucumbers, zucchinis, carrots... But give it to us when our partners can't be present, otherwise he would feel threatened /s

I sit on my washing machine too on the spin cycle just for the extra boost it gives me 😂

Bonus in the winter: the seat is also heated. Too bad that lady is stuck with that husbind. Not only she lost a friend and the blanket, but also her life...

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Maybe they can both use the blanket and have a threesome. Seriously, I've known of similar idiots. Many decades ago, before DVDs, my mother gave a friend a record of narrated relaxation exercises. It really helped the friend, but not for long: the husband broke the record because it used a male voice.

When she shared they were Egyptian I understood. A lot of those middle eastern / northern African countries are very naive to sex and just western culture in general. They think we sexualize everything and we’re just a bunch of nymphos walking around. I’m married to a Moroccan man and was astounded to find out how little he really knew about Americans. I blame hollywood for making us look that way, but they are mostly wrong about how we really are. They assume we’re all rich and just wild. I had to educate him and still do sometimes. Likely they aren't that experienced with American/western culture and are still grasping the idea that just because it vibrates doesn't equate to sex. Muslim husbands, especially Egyptians, are also often times very controlling of their wives and see them as property so his reaction is sad, but not surprising.

Yeah I was gonna say. This does sound controlling, but also due to her friend's shock as well, it sounds heavily cultural. I think she would've done well to apologize sincerely and explain exactly what the gift does. Humility goes a long way! And if the end goal was to truly help that friend, and not just to get brownie points for being nice, I think she would've gone that far. But it does sick to receive hate when you're being caring

Egyptian here. This has nothing to do with our culture. This dude is just an a*s. I feel sorry for his wife.

Ah thank you I was so hoping someone who truly knows would answer!

I’m glad you’re not that way, but that has not been my experience thus far.